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A Box of Stories helps you discover fabulous authors  and amazing books around the world.  We curate books with exceptional reviews and ratings, always looking beyond the obvious bestseller.  We offer a surprise every single time at unbeatable prices, our algorithm uses reviews from book lovers all over the world to create unique boxes of stories, ensuring your box has books recommended and loved by real readers. No matter how many times you order we ensure that you never get the same book twice.

Our standard mixed and fiction boxes cost only $48.99, whilst our genre specific boxes, such as Crime, Mystery & Thriller cost $54.99. There are savings included with all our subscription offers.

Each box contains four different surprise books beyond the 'obvious' bestsellers, with guaranteed rave reviews found with the help of our algorithm. The minimum retail price of the four books is $60.00.

Yes! Our boxes can be purchased as a subscription delivered as frequently as you would like.

Yes. You can purchase our genre-specific boxes as a one off without a subscription.

That’s part of the surprise! You’ll find out what's inside the box only once you receive it. 

Our algorithm curates fantastic books, every box has an average rating of 4/5*, these hidden gems are reviewed by book lovers and bloggers from across the globe.

Currently we offer the following surprise boxes - 

1. Mixed Box (Fiction and Non-Fiction)

2. Fiction Box  (Mixed Fiction genres)

3. Crime, Mystery & Thriller Box

4. Historical Fiction

5. Light Reads

6. Young Adult

7. Science, Fiction and Fantasy

We’re book lovers just like you all, so we definitely want to expand our range as soon as possible. Keep an eye on our social media accounts and sign up to our mailing list to get the latest updates.

We also love hearing from our customers to see what they might like to see in future.

No matter how many times you order we ensure that you never get the same books twice. We regularly get new titles, as our algorithm carefully finds more hidden gems for you and us!

Please use the same email id to order every time to avoid duplicates.

Your box will be sent to you via tracked courier service. Once your box is dispatched, you will receive an automated email with your tracking number, which can be checked on enabling you to check you delivery status online, or via your mobile. 

Order are usually delivered within 21 days.

Once you place an order, we send you and automated email with your order number and transaction details, please check your inbox/spam/junk folder, you would have received a mail from

Yes - our boxes make great gifts! When you get to checkout just enter the shipping address, as the address of your desired gift recipient.


This hasn't happened that often, please note that if the duplicate book received is not supplied by us in one of our boxes, we would not be able to replace or swap it as it kills the purpose of a surprise box. At this point, it is absolutely impossible for us to know which books you have already read.

You can reach us at for general enquiries, for order, dispatch or shipping details - kindly allow us some time to respond to you :)

We will be sad to know you would like to cancel the order. Please refer to our return policy for cancellation or returns.

If you need to return your order, please refer to our returns policy

You will need to create an accountusing the same email address used to place the order. You can then login and access the Manage Subscription page to make changes to your subscription. If you have more than one subscription they will all be shown here.

Go to Manage Subscription and select Products in your subscription. You will then be able to see all available boxes that you can swap to, as well as the recurring subscription price.

Go to Manage Subscription and your Next order date is listed at the top under the name of your box. Select Change date to change the date your next box is prepared. You will receive the box within 21 business days of your selected date.

Go to Manage Subscription and your Order frequency is listed at the top under the name of your box. Select Change frequency and choose to receive your box every 1, 2, 3 or 4 months. If you would like to receive your box more or less frequently, please write to us at and we’ll help you out!

Go to Manage Subscription and your Subscription status is listed at the top under the name of your box. Simply select Pause subscription and you will not receive any further boxes until you choose to resume the subscription.

We would hate to see you go, but you can cancel at any time for any reason. Please email us at and we'll get your subscription cancelled for you.

Once you have an active subscription, you will receive an invitation to identify a maximum of two genres you do not enjoy. When creating your box we’ll try to keep out any books that meet these criteria! If you already have an active subscription and don’t receive your invitation, please email us at and we’ll send it your way.

We keep a record of every book we send your way, so rest assured you won’t receive a duplicate book from ABoS as long as you always place your order using the same email address. All our books are picked from amongst the best of the undiscovered, and not only do our readers love them, but they have also usually not heard of them. However as an added option, once you place your order you will also have the option to share your Goodreads shelves of read books so we don’t send you any of those either!

These special subscriber-only rewards are our way of saying "Thank You!" for supporting our mission in saving amazing books from being lost and pulped.

Yes, as part of our subscriber superpowers package, the only way to get the rewards is to be an active subscriber. However if you place additional orders these will count towards your boxes so you don’t have to worry about missing out!

Do you have an active subscription? If yes, then we’re so sorry something went wrong. Email us at and we’ll sort it out for you right away!

Absolutely! 😃

A Box of Surprises Every Single Time

Why our community love us