Barbara A.
The books are wonderful. I enjoy the variety.
Talena K.
Loved the book selection
Karen E.
Every month has such amazing books inside, most of which I might not have chosen myself. Everything I see the words Box of Stories on a box I'm happy.
Karen E.
The books look to be really interesting just like any of the other books in all the ones before. I love opening the box and it's the highlight of the month when I first open the box. The selections are great even though some of them are something I wouldn't choose for myself. I look forward to opening more of these in the future.
Karen E.
I liked every single book so far and I'm sure this box will be the same. The stories have caught me In their spell until I've read the book and picked another one x
Sorcha O.
My TBR is huge, so I've had to cut down on my subscriptions (Number and frequency!) all around.
I was interested in every book in this box, so none will be passed on without being read fist
Karen E.
I would probably have never picked them but I've been hooked on them all that I've read so far.
Stacey B.
Nice selection of books and topics
Kirsty W.
Some exciting books here , very happy with this box .
Susie P.
Always getting new books to read is good. However I found that the books I received were not the sort of books I would choose to read, so decided to cancel.
Denise M.
This was a gift, the recipient was thrilled to receive it.
She loves the concept and is enjoying her first book!
A perfect selection of historical fiction. I absolutely love 1940 fiction and had 2 1940s themed stories. They were brilliant and not titles I have seen in the shops.
I have had a number of boxes and have been thrilled with every box.
Thank you
Maria .
I can't wait for the next box... Amazing books, I'm loving it
Laura G.
Love the boxes and books I’m receiving, keep up the good work!
Maria .
Can't wait for the next box ☺
Maria .
Can't wait for the next box ☺
Camille B.
When I opened the box I was a bit taken aback as they all looked like books I wouldn't read hence my answer in the survey. However after reading the blurbs the books all look amazing so I'm glad for the discoveries!!
Mrs J.
Nothing you're doing a great job
Kazia H.
I have now recieved 6 boxes. There have been several books I will never read, as they are not my thing. It would be better if we could be more specific about the types of books we dislike within our selected genre, so there is less chance of consistently receiving books we will never read.
I do love the surprise and have read and enjoyed books I might otherwise never have found.
I have changed my next box to a mixed box, to see how that goes.
Victoria S.
Just so impressed all handbooks too! Wonderful!
Shirley C.
I believe there is too much uncomfortable reading books included in the selections. I do not wish to read these books but also do not want to read chick lit all the time. Interesting books with good narrative , interesting stories but without Nazis, Murders, Abuse etc. I want to enjoy an interesting book I can learn from without feeling upset and uncomfortable
Stacy P.
I was more than happy with the two books that are based further back in history. I do read books about the world wars, so that one will hopefully be ok too. I don't think I was expecting a book based in 1981 in a historical box (Gull). I was born in 1982 so it made me feel a bit old haha :-)
Sarah P.
These look brilliant, much better than my last historical fiction box - excited to read them
Dale S.
Just a fantastic surprise for my birthday and will be an ongoing surprise every time a new box of books arrives. Thank you!
Irene W.
Very exciting - my only problem is that I can't decide which book to read first
Farhana S.
Would love a non-fiction history box - would subscribe in a heartbeat!
Sarah P.
I was pushing myself out of my comfort zone so wasn't expecting to be in love with the idea of these books. But I'm surprised that historical fiction seems to be mostly romance, which I am not a fan of. After some reassurance from the community, I'm starting to look forward to them now, except for A Tapestry of Dreams which I hate the look of. I'll give it a go though - can't really judge till I've tried. Still a great concept and good value for money, but I'll go back to my mixed boxes for a while!
Allison F.
I ordered a historical selection and was really hoping for 'older' history such as medieval titles. These were all a little recent for me, although I will read them and I'm sure will enjoy them.
Lorraine .
Looking forward to my next box, thank you.
Alison P.
A fantastic subscription service!
Beth C.
I was very happy to receive a hardback book, but they are all brilliant. It was so exciting and I can't wait to see what my next box contains, I am very likely to order sooner than the next one is due. I have already recommended to colleagues. Thank you!
Roisin .
Brilliant box, highly recommended.
Amy G.
Love the packaging and I am excited to get into these books
Helen G.
Was generally impressed with the packaging and overall appearance of my box. The books were a good choice to start off with although I think I may have to mix things up a bit with different boxes. Still in the process of reading them but excited by the prospect of different books every month
Amelia H.
I was hoping for historical fiction based a little earlier but fingers crossed will be pleasantly surprised once I've started reading.
Hazel A.
I haven't had a chance to read the books yet, but I was super excited to receive the box. The reason I rated The Night Falling low is because it is in first person present tense, which I personally hate in a book as it is a literary faux pas. If there was any way buyers/subscribers could make a note to have preferences like this taken into account when the surprise books are chosen, that would be great. I was quite surprised at Vanity Fair being in the box as that is a well known classic, but I haven't read it and still liked the fact it was included. I'm excited to read the books - except The Night Falling which I think I will struggle through - and I will order again thanks!
Beverley D.
This is such a fantastic concept. I am so glad I came across it and can get to read books that I might not have picked up.
Liwsi B.
I enjoyed the surprise of the box and I love the abos Facebook community
Emily B.
I think the idea of a box of stories is amazing! I absolutely love reading and love just losing myself in a good story. I have noticed that I tend to lean towards certain types of books, so I am really enjoying reading books which I would otherwise not pick up.
Farhana S.
Keep doing what you’re doing. Fantastic idea. So glad I found you!
Anette J.
Keep doing what you're doing. The recent linking to Goodreads was a particularly good idea by the way.